Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Jekyll and Hyde for Teacher Essay Example for Free

Jekyll and Hyde for Teacher Essay To begin with, both alter personas are of brutal and ferocious nature as they manifest disturbing evil intentions. Tyler Durden vandalizes property, craves annihilation, obliterates his own apartment, has full knowledge about all varieties of homemade explosives, and is brave enough to cause all kinds of chaos. Most prominently, Tyler, a follower of nihilism, founds â€Å"fight club†, a place for men to fight each other, feel alive, and ignite their inner rage. He expresses his nihilistic point of view in the following line: â€Å"It\s easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die. On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone will drop to zero.† Hyde, a detestable man in appearance, tramples a young girl on the street and is responsible for the terrifying murder of Danvers Carew. Hyde was described by a maid to be â€Å"stamping with his foot, brandishing the cane, and carrying on like a madman† at the murder scene. Even more terrifying is the satisfaction he feels for his violent actions, that Jekyll later confesses to. Furthermore, the various characters that encounter Hyde are said to feel a deep personal hatred for him. Many dark adjectives, such as â€Å"evil† and â€Å"detestable†, are repeatedly used to describe him. As the story progresses, both Jekyll and The Narrator realize that what their alter egos aim to achieve is not what they desire. This belated sense of realization comes when Hyde commits a murder and Jekyll progressively comes to the conclusion that he is beginning to transform into Hyde, involuntarily, without the potion. However, The Narrator’s realization comes at the end of the novel when he discovers that Tyler is his own alter ego, that takes over in his sleep. Additionally, he realizes that fight club members are accountable for all the buildings that are being wrecked and all the people that are being killed with Tyler’s orders. The narrator tries cleaning up after Tyler, however, Jekyll does not try to right Hyde’s mistakes. The Narrator tries defusing a bomb and preventing the chaos caused by Tyler’s orders by convincing the fight club members to stop. However, his plan ultimately fails as the members are previously ordered by Tyler to not answer any questions or let anyone stop them. At this point, both characters lose control over their mind and body and have to liberate themselves from their demonic alters. In order to achieve that, The Narrator asks Marla to help him stay awake, which is not a permanent solution. Jekyll forages for a specific type of chemical, that he requires to make his potion and get rid of Hyde. However, he fails to obtain this ingredient. By the end, both Jekyll and The Narrator opt to commit suicide to end their life and by extension the lives of Hyde and Tyler. The Narrator states that â€Å"To god, this looks like one man alone, holding a gun in his own mouth†¦I’m not killing myself, I yell. I’m killing Tyler.† This destructive violence could be ideally explained through the lens of psychoanalytic approach.

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